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Writer: PinnacleVex KA AnalyticsPinnacleVex KA Analytics

Clinical trial is a “research study conducted to find answers to health related questions in which subjects/patients receive one or more diagnostic, therapeutic, or other types of interventions/treatment (or no intervention)” so that researchers can determine the effects of the interventions on biomedical or health related outcomes including new treatments (such as drugs, novel vaccines, dietary supplements, dietary choices, and medical devices).


Phases of Clinical Trials:

Clinical trials are generally conducted in four phases and a Early Phase 1 (formerly known as Phase 0) trials are optional first-in-human trials.

Early Phase 1: It used to describe exploratory trials conducted before traditional phase 1 trials to investigate how or whether a drug affects the body. These trials involve very limited human exposure to the intervention and have no diagnostic or therapeutic goals (for example: screening studies, micro-dose studies).


Phase 1(Screening for safety/Human Pharmacology): phase 1 will focus on the safety of a intervention/drug and are usually conducted with healthy human volunteers, and the principal goal is to determine the safety of a drug like serious adverse events (SAE's). These trials usually experimental treatment is given to a small group of subjects for the first time to evaluate its safety, side effects and dosage range.


Phase 2 (proof of concept/Therapeutic Exploratory/Establishing the preliminary efficacy of the drug, usually against a placebo): In this phase describe clinical trials that gather preliminary data on whether a intervention/drug works in subjects who have a certain condition/disease (the drug’s effectiveness) and the experimental treatment is given to a larger group of subjects (100 to 300) to evaluate its safety and efficacy.


Phase 3 (Therapeutic Confirmatory/Final confirmation of safety and efficacy): Phase 3 studies gather more information about a drug’s safety and efficacy by studying different populations and different dosages and by using the different drug in combination with other drugs and experimental treatment is given to large groups of subjects (1,000 to 3,000) to confirm its efficacy, monitor side effects, compare to current treatment options. If the experimental treatment works well in this Phase 3, investigator/researchers can submit an application(New Drug Application(NDA)) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking permission for marketing. The FDA approval process generally takes about a year. Research continues in some cases even after the FDA has approved a treatment.


Phase 4 (Safety during sales): The phase 4 trial is also referred to as post-marketing surveillance(PMS) and it is conducted after the drug is approved for marketing and available to the general public(real world). The main objective of the phase 4 trial is to determine the performance of the drug in real life scenarios to study the long-term risks and benefits of the drug and to discover any SAEs and rare side effects which only be found in large groups of people. These trials gather additional information about a drug’s efficacy, safety or optimal use.

Happy Learning !!! :)

Writer: PinnacleVex KA AnalyticsPinnacleVex KA Analytics

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading

Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more.

Write Your Goals

Plan Your Outfit

Research the People You Want

Create a your own Network: Remember that opportunity may only be one connection away

Be Prepared to Talk About Your Work

Create Relevant Content

Writing a blog is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field and captivate your readers’ attention. Do you want to improve your site’s SEO ranking? Consider topics that focus on relevant keywords and relate back to your website or business. You can also add hashtags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help visitors search for relevant content.

Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Choose a great image to feature in your post or add a video for extra engagement. Are you ready to get started? Simply create a new post now.

Writer: PinnacleVex KA AnalyticsPinnacleVex KA Analytics

Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading.

Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more.

Design with Ease

Do you have a design in mind for your blog? Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s a stunning layout for everyone.

Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. With the Wix, building your online community has never been easier.

Create Relevant Content

You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow readers to explore more of what interests them. Each category of your blog has its own page that’s fully customizable. Add a catchy title, a brief description and a beautiful image to the category page header to truly make it your own. You can also add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help readers search for relevant content. Using hashtags can expand your post reach and help people find the content that matters to them. Go ahead, #hashtag away.

Stun Your Readers

Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.

Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Are you a creative agency? Go wild with original blog posts about recent projects, cool inspirational ideas, or what your company culture is like. Add images, and videos to really spice it up, and pepper it with slang to keep readers interested. Are you a programmer? Stay on the more technical side by offering weekly tips, tricks, and hacks that show off your knowledge of the industry. No matter what type of business you have, one thing is for sure - blogging gives your business the opportunity to be heard in a way in a different and unconventional way.

Get Inspired

To keep up with all things Wix, including website building tips and interesting articles, head over to to the Wix Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to start crafting your own blog, adding unique content, and stunning images and videos. Start creating your own blog now. Good luck!

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